Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The Marine Mammal Center is located in Sausalito, California. The principal vocation of this center is to rescue and nurse back to health marine mammals like elephant seals, sea lions and harbour seals. Volunteers who work at the Marine Mammal Center have an important job; they have to save seals that are malnourished, injured, have physical abnormalities or are affected by domoic acid that comes from phytoplankton. At least 50% of the seals at the mammal center survive. However, When seals cannot survive on there own or when they are too sick, veterinarians have end there lives through euthanasia. The Center wants sea lions and all other marine mammals to return, as soon as possible the ocean because they don’t want them to get used to humans. Because of this kind of hospital, injured marine mammals are now very likely to survive. It’s also important to note that this center makes a good contribution to field of science because of the satellite they put on the mammal’s head when they leave the Center. With this strange thing, they can inspect the seals’ movements in the ocean and find out what kind of toxic products are harming them.
Monday, October 12, 2009
The siberian sturgeon
The Siberian Sturgeon is a large fish that comes from Russia and lives in the cold water of the north. The population has dropped dramatically in the last few years to reach a historic low level today. If people do not change the way aquaculture is done, this fish will have to pay the consequences. Fish hybridization, leads to a more efficient culture and that is one of the reasons that they are endangered. An organisation named IUCN (which is specialized in marine species protection) says that Siberian Sturgeons and more than 3,000 species living in fresh water are threatened. Farm can prevent extinction by keeping hybridized fish in close area so they do not reproduce with wild fish. This fish has been an endangered specie since 1996. The decline of the Siberian Sturgeon in the ocean will throw the ecosystem off balance and it will also affect other levels of the food chain.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Suzuki Speaks
According to David Suzuki, everything we do has consequences, and exerce a pool on something else. He calls it interconnectedness. Unfortunately, humans made fragmentation with nature and this could have consequences on us like spiritual leak. We have to remember that humans are a “superspecies”, they have the power to change physical thing on planet. The reason why we say that humans are a “superspecies” is because of the number of people: we are the most numerous mammals on Earth. We also have powerful technology to create our own habitat. Humans are big consumers; we always need more and more stuff. Suzuki said: “Environment is us!” By “us” he means humans. Humans are made of four sacred elements: air, water, earth and fire. Finally, biodiversity created the elements we need to survive.